► Rep. Lauren Boebert (R-CO): Today’s “Humanitarian” Award Winner Print

Rep. Lauren Boebert (R-CO): Today’s “Humanitarian” Award Winner


This isn’t the first award presented to Marjorie. In the past she has been the recipient of one (1) award, which can be viewed by going to the listed category at the end of this article.


FYI: Lauren is a high school dropout who dropped out because she became pregnant. She then spent several years working at a McDonald’s in Rifle, Colorado. I don’t have anything against high school dropouts or girls that allow themselves to be impregnated when under the age of 18, however, one would think this background doesn’t provide on with a solid foundation to be the congressional representative for over 850,000 Coloradans.


Recently (ca. April 2021), the House of Representatives overwhelmingly passed legislative by a vote of 415 to 2 to reauthorize the National Marrow Donor Program.


The legislation reauthorizes a program that matches bone marrow donors and cord blood units with patients who have leukemia and other diseases. The bill helps thousands of people diagnosed with leukemia and other diseases by reauthorizing the National Marrow Donor Program and the National Cord Blood Inventory for another five years. (Daniella Diaz and Manu Raju, CNN)


To establish herself as one of America’s Premier Humanitarians, Lauren voted against the reauthorization of the bill. In doing so, Lauren made the following hyperbolic (BS) statements.


"This bill added hundreds of millions of dollars to the national debt, while not receiving a CBO score or going through the committee process."


Lauren’s statement further proves that she’s a moron because this was a reauthorization of legislatation that had previously been thoroughly scored by the CBO (Congressional Budget Office).


I’m confident if the bill had authorized $100 million in funding of Anarchists, Nazi sympathizers, Gun nuts, White Nationalists, the Proud Boys, Oath keepers, assorted militias, and low I.Q. Trumpsters, Lauren would have gleefully supported it.


As we speak (ca. April 2021), Lauren continues to be a total embarrassment to Georgians who possess an I.Q. in the high 90s or triple digits.


Ass-Kisser Award Winner = 1