► State Sen. Daniel Enrich (R-MT): Todays “Dimwit” Award Winner Print

► State Sen. Daniel Enrich (R-MT): Todays “Dimwit” Award Winner


Danny succeeded in duping the voters into electing him as a member of the Montana State Senate from the Great Falls area.  


In one matter, Danny the Dimwit, sponsored legislation that would ban the teaching of “scientific theory” in public schools in the state of Montana.


Danny’s Dimwitted legislation states that the state board of public education "may not include in content area standards any standard requiring curriculum or instruction in a topic that is not scientific fact."


DD’s legislation would ban the following universally accepted theories and/or the authors of same.

  • Newton’s theory of gravity
  • Hubble's Law of Cosmic Expansion Theory
  • Archimedes' Buoyancy Principal Theory
  • Theory of General Relativity

I suppose the Dimwit would laughingly claim that the following are merely “theories” and not “fact.”

  • Donald Trump is a Serial Liar
  • David Duke is a Racist
  • Rep. George Santos is a Serial Liar
  • Jeffrey Dahmer was theorizing about a new dietary method

As we speak (ca. February 2023), Danny the Dimwit continues to provide useless services to his constituents in the greater Great Falls area.