► Sen. Joni Ernst (R-IA): Today’s “Dumbo” Award Winner Print

Sen. Joni Ernst (R-IA): Today’s “Dumbo” Award Winner


This is not the first award presented to Joni. In the past she has been the subject of two (2) awards in various categories.  


Joni is attempting to bamboozle the voters in Iowa into reelecting her to the Senate in November 2020. Her primary argument for reelection is that she has been a Compliant and Reliable Trump Sycophantic Ass-Kisser over the past four (4) years.


In an effort to curry further favor with The Great Leader and to try and dupe the voters in Iowa, Joni decided to jump on the bandwagon that falsely claims the number of COVID-19 deaths in the US is 10,000 instead of the more than 185,000 recorded by health officials.


QAnon conspiracy Nutjobs claimed that on 6% of reported COVID-19 deaths are accurate, thereby falsely claiming that 94% of the deaths are not due to COVID-19. The Great Leader’s tweet in support of QAnon’s sham claims was removed by Twitter for violating its rules on spewing forth false claims that would risk American’s health.


Facebook also removed The Great Leader’s post because it violated its policies against spreading harmful misinformation about COVID-19 since it misstates CDC data about the deadliness of the disease.


It is painfully clear that Joni does not much give a damn how many Iowans die from COVID-19 as long as she can sucker them into reelecting her. Of course, it goes without saying that this is the same tactic that her beau The Great Leader is moving forward with.


Hopefully, the voters in Iowa will see through Joni’s disgusting conduct and send her packing on November 3, 2020.


Dumbo Award Winner = 1

Moronic Boob Award = 1