► Attorney Charles Hardenbergh of Petersburg, VA; alleged serial criminal Print
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Attorney Charles Hardenbergh of Petersburg, VA; alleged serial criminal


The state of New York provided Charles Vanevera Hardenbergh with a law license in 1982 after he graduated from the University of Virginia School of Law.


In one matter, Charlie and his wife Mari were arrested and charged with the following crimes.

  • Charged along with his wife in an alleged attack on their driver that began during a limo ride and ended at the home of the alleged victim
  • Charlie and wife charged with assault, abduction, trespassing and breaking and entering
  • While riding in the limo, Charlie covered the victim’s head with a pillow, while his wife Mari severely beat the victim in the head and face
  • The victim alleged that Charlie got inside her home and beat and terrorized her for four hours
  • Mari is accused of filming part or all the beating/terrorizing of the victim

All that remains now is to see how long it takes before Charlie cops a plea in order to limit the amount of time he’ll have to spend at the Deerfield Correctional Center in Capron, Virginia.


As we speak (ca. September 2019), Charlie practices with Charles V. Hardenbergh PC at 139 Monroe Street in Petersburg, Virginia.