► Attorney Dani Handell of Las Vegas; serial drunk Print E-mail
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Attorney Dani Handell of Las Vegas; serial drunk


The state of California provided Dani Jo Handell with a law license in 1987 after she graduated from the University of California at Berkeley Law School. 


The California State Bar Court found Dani guilty of the following misconduct.


While driving in downtown Petaluma, California, Dani was driving in an unsafe manner, including weaving back and forth between lanes. Eventually, his vehicle drifted off the right side of the road, up an embankment, rolled over, landed nose down in a culvert, and flipped end over end, finally resting on its roof.


When questioned by the California Highway Patrol, Dani provided only minimal answers to questioning. She closed her eyes whenever questioned and exhibited altered levels of consciousness. She also refused to submit to field sobriety tests.


Subsequently, Dani was charged for driving while intoxicated, willfully refusing a peace officer’s request to submit to, and willfully failing to complete, the chemical tests required under California law.


As a consequence of her misconduct, the supporters for Attorney Misfits sitting on the California State Bar Court punished Dani by gifting her with a complimentary stayed 1-year suspension of his law license.


As we speak (ca. September 2013), Dani practices at 2182 Valley Sand in Las Vegas, Nevada.





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