► Attorney Vicenta Montoya-Torres of Las Vegas; repeat offender |
Attorney Vicenta Montoya-Torres of Las Vegas; repeat offender
The state of California provided Vicenta E. Montoya-Torres with a law license in 1991 after she graduated from Golden Gate University Law College in San Francisco.
The State Bar Court found Vicenta guilty of the following misconduct.
Vicenta admitted that she failed to provide proof of her attendance at ethics school (What’s the point?) or complete conditions attached to a complimentary 2009 public reproval for engaging in a variety of misconduct.
As one would suspect, this wasn’t Vicenta’s 1st bite at the Attorney Misfit Apple Tree. She previously received another complimentary public reproval in 1997 for engaging in a variety of misconduct.
As a consequence of her misconduct, the supporters for Attorney Misfits sitting on the Bar Court punished Vicenta by gifting her with a complimentary stayed 2-year suspension of her law license. In truth,
As we speak (ca. June 2013) Vicenta practices at 330 East Charleston Blvd in Las Vega, Nevada.