► Sean Hannity: Today’s “IHOP Flip-Flop” Award Winner |
Sean Hannity: Today’s “IHOP Flip-Flop” Award Winner
This isn’t the first Award presented to Sean. In the past, he has been
the recipient of eighty (80) Awards in various categories, the subject of seven (7) opinion pieces. Those awards and opinion pieces can be viewed by going to the listed categories at the end of this article.
During a recent (ca. June 2020) episode of the Sean Hannity Comedy Radio Show, Sean decided to further his status as one of America’s Premier Liars, Trump Ass-Kissing Sycophants and Serial Lying A-Hole.
In this instance, Sean decided to comment on John Bolton’s scathing report on The Great Leader’s despicable conduct while he was his National Security Advisor.
Bolton appeared on the Fox Comedy Network as a contributor for over 10 years before he was hired by The Great Leader, and he appeared on the Sean Hannity Comedy Show numerous times wherein Sean repeatedly hailed him as a great patriot. Now that Bolton has spilled the beans on The Great Leader, Sean has done a total Flip-Flop. Towards that end, Sean made the following statements.
Poor Ol’ Sean has no trouble genuflecting to kiss The Great Leader’s substantial derriere even though he’s lied over 18,000 times since he ascended to the throne. Moreover, he continued to invite Bolton to appear on his comedy show even though he now claims he was lying every time he made said appearances.
Sean’s defense of The Great Leader in Flip-Flopping and attacking Bolton will likely result in him gaining at least 20 to 25 additional Brownie Points in his zeal to taking the lead in the Trump Ass-Kissing category.