► Donald Trump fails to take credit for creating less jobs than Obama |
Donald Trump fails to take credit for creating less jobs than Obama
As we have all become too aware, The Great Leader is more than willing to take credit for things he had absolutely nothing to do with. Case in point is his repeated falsehoods that he was personally responsible for the implementation of the “Veterans Choice Program” that allowed for veterans to seek outside health care if unable to obtain an appointment with a VA facility within 30 days.
I personally know this to be a disgusting lie since I’m a disabled veteran and the date of the issuance of my “Veterans Choice Card” is January 2015. If I’m not mistaken some guy named Obama was president at that time and not The Great Leader.
Recently (ca. February 2020), The Great Leader’s Labor Department stated that during the first three years of his administration 6.6 million jobs were created. By comparison, during the last three years of the Obama administration 8.1 million jobs were created.
After use of my trusty abacus I was able to discern that 8.1 million was 1.5 million more than 6.6 million. Therefore, according to The Great Leader’s own administration Obama was a better creator of jobs then he is.
Once this fact is pointed out to The Great Leader, we can be assured that he’ll falsely claim that the figures during the Obama administration are “fake news” and/or the product of “deep state conspiracy” out to get him.
And lastly, it goes without saying that The Great Leader will never admit that he was unable to accomplish what President Obama did no matter how significant or insignificant the achievement was.
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