► Attorney Michael Hamilton of Las Vegas; ethical troll Print E-mail
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Attorney Michael Hamilton of Las Vegas; ethical troll


The state of Nevada presented Michael H. Hamilton with a law license in 2001 after he graduated from the John Marshall School of Law.


FYI: John Marshall is ranked as the 166th best law school in the country out of 202 ABA accredited schools.


The Nevada Disciplinary Board found Chandan guilty of the following misconduct.

  • Improperly split fees with non-attorneys
  • Failed to safeguard client funds
  • Had his trust account out of balance by at least $27,000
  • Failed to complete CLE credits as required pursuant to prior suspension order
  • Knowingly violated duties owed to his clients
  • Failed to pay 17 medical liens on client’s behalf
  • Attempted to pay lienholder a reduced amount on medical liens without obtaining prior agreement from client
  • Engaged in the illegal practice of law while license suspended
  • Clients harmed due to delay in receiving funds or full payment of their medical liens

As a direct consequence of his misconduct, the apologists for Attorney Misfits sitting on the Nevada Supreme Court punished Chandan by gifting him with a complimentary 6-month suspension of his law license and assessed costs of $2,500.00.


As we speak (ca. January 2020), Mikey practices at 10161 Park Run in Las Vegas, Nevada.



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