► Stormy Daniels obtains Vanity Plate in Honor of Donald “Little Hands” Trump Print E-mail

Stormy Daniels obtains Vanity Plate in Honor of Donald “Little Hands” Trump


As most of you are aware, Stormy Daniels is the Adult Film Star who had a sexual affair with The Great Leader in July 2006 while they were both in Lake Tahoe, California and only four months after his current Trophy Wife Melania gave birth to Barron.


During an interview with Penthouse, Stormy made the following comments.

  • “I had sex with that’, I’d say to myself. Eech.”
  • “Trump’s penis is smaller than average.”
  • “It has a huge mushroom head. Like a toadstool.”

In response to Sen. Marco Rubio’s GOP presidential debate statement wherein he spoke about The Great Leader’s small hands, Stormy engaged in the following back and forth with the Penthouse reporter.



“And the penis wasn’t big?”


“Yeah, like his fingers.


Several anonymous and unreliable sources indicated that when The Great Leader attended Fordham University in the Bronx from 1964 thru 1966, that the girls on campus who dated called him “Stubby.”


And lastly, in honor of her sexual escapade with The Great Leader, Stormy Daniels obtained a Vanity Plate for her Ferrari, an image of which is posted below.











































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