► Trump’s Air Force One Refrigerators cost taxpayers $24 million |
Trump’s Air Force One Refrigerators cost taxpayers $24 million
It was recently (ca. late January 2018) that underlings employed by Donald “Trumporleone” Trump have approved a $23.6 million contract with Boeing to replace two “cold chiller units” in on of the two airplanes that serve as Air Force One. Each of the five so-called cooler units can store more than 3,000 meals.
Why in the hell would the government have to store over 3,000 meals on Air Force One? The plane can’t stay in the air for more than 15 hours. Moreover, at most there aren’t more than 20 to 30 folks on the plane at one time and that would include the pilot and co-pilot.
Since we know that The Great Leaders daily diet includes a couple of Bic Macs or a bucket of Kentucky Fried Chicken. How many Big Macs or buckets of Chicken does the government have to store on Air Force One to keep Fatty satisfied?
This is the same Donnie that after the election tweeted that costs for new models of the presidential place were way too high. In fact, the following is the tweet he sent on December 6, 2016.
When it comes to catering to The Great Leader’s voracious appetite for dietary foods like Big Macs, Kentucky Fried Chicken, Milk Shakes, French Fries, Cheetos and other similar healthy foods, he has no problem with wasting $24 million to assure that Air Force One will never run out of Big Macs, etc.