► Attorney Cleo Fields of Baton Rouge, LA; ethical gremlin Print E-mail
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Attorney Cleo Fields of Baton Rouge, LA; ethical gremlin


The state of Louisiana presented Cleo Fields with a law license in 1998 after he graduated from Southern University Law School.


In one matter, Cleo along with several other highly unethical attorneys decided to take a stroll down the judicial-bribery path by providing Judge Robin Free of West Baton Rouge, Louisiana an “all-expenses paid trip on a private jet to a hunting ranch in Texas.


Cleo contributed to the de facto purchasing of Judge Free’s future services (favorable rulings) even though he knew that attorney disciplinary rules expressly forbade this type of conduct.


For additional information regarding Judge Free’s acceptance of the de facto bribe by Cleo and his fellow pimps, visit the URL at the end of this article.


As we speak (ca. November 2015), Cleo practices his so-called brand of law at 2147 Government Street in Baton Rouge, Louisiana.


Judge Robin Free of West Baton Rouge; ethical elf



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