► Justice G.K. Oluto of Nigeria; lazy loser Print E-mail
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Justice G.K. Oluto of Nigeria; lazy loser


The state of Louisiana presented Janice with a law license in 1977 after he graduated from Indiana University Law School.


The National Judicial Council (NJC) found G.K. guilty of the following misconduct.


Oluto violated judicial rules by delivering a judgment in a case eighteen (18) months after the matter was addressed by all the attorneys in the lawsuit.


Oluto well knew that the Nigerian constitution required him to deliver a judgment in such a case within a ninety (90) day period.


In another case, Oluto failed to deliver a judgment on two occasions in the same case despite the fact she was well aware of her constitutional duty to do so within 90 days.


The NJC advised the Nigerian president to sack stressed that Oluto was unfit to sit on any court in the country and asked that she be removed from the bench. Subsequently, the president ordered her removal from the bench.


If Justice Oluto sat on the bench in Ohio she could have allowed a judgment to sit for 4 or more years without any fear of being found guilty of egregious misconduct.



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