► Judge Ferdi Preller of South Africa; slacker, loser Print E-mail
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Judge Ferdi Preller of South Africa; slacker, loser


The Judicial Services Commission (JSC) found Judge Preller guilty of engaging in the following misconduct.

  • Engaged in egregious misconduct
  • Failed to issue judgments in a timely manner
  • Failed to act with due diligence (slacker)
  • Had outstanding judgments for well of 12 months

As a direct consequence of his misconduct, the enablers for Judicial Misfits sitting on the Judicial Services Commission punished Ferdi by gifting him with a complimentary reprimand and ordered that he issue an unconditional apology to the Judge President and the litigants involved in all the delayed cases.


As we speak (ca. April 2021), Judge Preller continues to dispense his brand of jurisprudence as a North Gauteng High Court judge in Pretoria, South Africa.



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