► Judge Sylvia James of Detroit; arrogant Whatchmakallit, embezzler Print E-mail
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Judge Sylvia James of Detroit; arrogant Whatchmakallit, embezzler

Unfortunately the Michigan Supreme Court presented Sylvia James with a law license in 1979.
Judge Sylvia James sits on the 22nd District Court located in Inkster, which is a suburb of Detroit.
As you’ll see, calling Judge James arrogant is not only a monumental understatement but could be construed as “defamation per se” by her fellow Judicial Misfits throughout the country.
Recently the Michigan Judicial Tenure Commission filed misconduct charges against Judge James. Some of those charges are as follows:
  • Egregious abuse of her judicial authority
  • Illegally converted court funds to her personal use
  • Violated anti-nepotism rules
  • Backdated promotion and pay increase by six months for her niece
Illegal use of court funds for personal use
Below are but a few examples of Arrogant Sylvia’s illegal expenditure of court funds for personal use:
  1. Catering, flowers and professional photography at court’s annual Law Day at Inkster High School
  2. Donations to Inkster High School alumni gatherings including her sister’s 40th class reunion
  3. Expenses regarding her college sorority
  4. Local annual scholarship dinners
  5. $3,218 to attend a Nat’l Assoc of Drug Court Professionals in Boston
  6. Hosed the court for a personal flight to New York City
  7. Bilked court for airfare even though she used her own frequent flyer miles for the cost
  8. Money to help pay for an Inkster High School sports championship celebration
  9. Gave $4,500 to the Inkster Auxiliary Police for picnics and unspecified supplies
The Michigan Supreme Court suspended Sylvia in April 2011 after the Judicial Commission filed its charges, which included a claim that she tapped the court fund for over $100,000 in travel, landscaping, untaxed bonus pay and new uniforms for Inkster High School junior varsity cheerleaders. (Detroit News)
Sylvia’s annual salary is about $140,000 or $11,666 a month. Therefore, since her paid suspension in April 2011 through Jan 2012, she’s received $116,600 in undeserved and unearned wages from the taxpayers of Michigan. Who was the fool that said “crime doesn’t pay?” It certainly wasn’t the Dishonorable Sylvia James, right?
The evidentiary hearing by the Judicial Commission was held during the week of Jan 23, 2012. All that’s left now is for the Michigan Supreme Court to toss this certified loser off the bench. Anything less would only further prove that Judicial Misfits are held to a lower standard of conduct than everyone else in the Wolverine State.

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