► Wisconsin Chief Justice Patience Roggensack; bigoted loser Print E-mail
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Wisconsin Chief Justice Patience Roggensack; bigoted loser 


The state of Wisconsin presented Patience Drake Roggensack with a law license in 1980 after she graduated from the University of Wisconsin Law School.


It should be noted that this isn’t the first award presented to Patience. A prior award can be viewed by visiting the URL at the end of this article.


FYI: Patience has had her significant snout firmly implanted in the public trough for the past twenty-four (24) years. Apparently, no self-respecting law firm in the greater Madison area was about to offer her a good paying job.


After Gov. Tony Evers issued a stay home order to deal with the Coronavirus pandemic, the GOP morons in the state legislature appealed the order to the Wisconsin Supreme Court with the knowledge that their right wing comrades on the court would likely rule in their favor.


It should be noted that the meat packing plants in Wisconsin have suffered the most with Coronavirus cases.


Not satisfied with just being a good GOP girl and voting to override Gov. Evers’ stay-at-home order, Patience decided to provide a little bigoted red meat to her fellow bigots in the  legislature by spewing for the following crap.

  • “These [COVId-19 cases] were due to the meatpacking, though.” Roggensack said.
  • “That’s where Brown County got the flare.”
  • “It wasn’t just the regular folks in Brown County.”

The “regular folks” in Brown County are the White folks and the other meat packing folks for the most part at Hispanics, African-Americans or Asians, which according to Patience means they ain’t “regular folks.”


Of course Patience doesn’t have to fear that she’ll face any ethics charges for her conduct because being a judicial bigot in Wisconsin is accepted by the majority of Wisconites.


As we speak (ca. May 2020), Patience continues to sit as the Chief Justice of the Wisconsin Supreme Court.


Justice Patience Roggensack of Madison, WI; ethical gremlin




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