► U.S. Judge James Loken of Minneapolis; apologist for Judicial Misfits Print E-mail
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U.S. Judge James Loken of Minneapolis; apologist for Judicial Misfits

Judge James Loken was appointed to the 8th Circuit Court of Appeals in Omaha in 1990. From 2003 to day he has been acting as the Chief Judge.
From 2003 to date (May 2010) there have been approximately 120 judges in the 8th Circuit that would have come under Judge Loken’s jurisdiction in responding to and/or investigating misconduct complaints. Unbelievably, Judge Loken would have us believe that during this eight (8) year period of time that there was never one instance of a judge engaging in any type of misconduct. Such a claim doesn’t pass the involuntary laugh test.
Early on, Judge Loken dismissed misconduct complaints from an attorney under the guise that the attorney’s signature was illegible.
Later on, Judge Loken rejected published allegations that a U.S. District judge in St. Louis improperly urged 314 newly minted citizens at a public ceremony to register and vote for his congressman friend “so he can continue his good work.” (Houston Chronical – 12/30/09)
Without ever causing an investigation, Judge Luken had the chutzpah to accept the District judge’s denials with any formal review. And Luken did so even though there were at least 314 witnesses that were available to testify that the judge did in fact act unethically in acting as a campaign manager for his so-called friend and did so while receiving his undeserved federal wages.
Judge James Loken’s conduct in acting as an enabler for Judicial Misfits is a common practice in the judiciary that is answerable only to itself.
Apparently James Loken graduated scum laude from the Cardinal Law School on failing to discipline wayward underlings and taking great pains to conceal their conduct from the public.

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