► Judge Ronald Giles of Detroit; pompous loser Print E-mail
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Judge Ronald Giles of Detroit; pompous loser


The state of Michigan presented Ronald Giles with a law license in 1987 after he graduated from Wayne State University School of Law.


To further his status as a Pompous Loser, Ronnie decided to go after a litigant who offended him during a virtual hearing for wearing a T-Shirt. Pompous Ronnie spewed forth the following gratuitous statement at the litigant.

  • “If you come to court, you dress for court.” The construction worker explained that he was on the job, but Judge Ronald Giles was unmoved.
  • “In my court, if you don’t dress for court, I’m gonna dress you”—in jail attire.”
  • "I don't do sweats and I don't do T-shirts in my courtroom.”

So, according to Highfaluting Ronnie, when a working stiff appears on Zoom for a perfunctory hearing, that individual is required to dress up as though he was going to church services with his family on Sunday.


It is painfully clear that Pompous Ronnie is of the firm belief that his bowel movement is without odor.


As we speak (ca. January 2023), Ronnie continues to dispense his so-called brand of jurisprudence as a 36th District Court Judge in Detroit, Michigan.



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