► Judge Warfield Moore Jr. of Detroit; Judge Roy Bean Wannabee Print E-mail
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Judge Warfield Moore Jr. of Detroit; Judge Roy Bean Wannabee


The state of Michigan provided Warfield Moore Jr. with a law license in 1961 after he graduated from Wayne State University Law School.


FYI: Judge Roy Bean was an infamous Justice of the Peace and saloon owner in Texas who called himself the "The Law West of the Pecos." Roy was also affectionately referred to as the Hanging Judge.The Judicial Tenure Commission found Warfield guilty of the following misconduct.

  • Persistent incompetence (Dumbo) or neglect in performance of judicial duties
  • Unfairly criticized Court of Appeals during sentencing
  • Failed to adhere to accepted methods of justice
  • Displayed bias and contempt in comments about defendant to a jury
  • Failed to respect and observe the law
  • Refused to allow defense counsel to make objections
  • Made derogatory comments toward defense counsel in presence of jury
  • Told prosecutor only reason he wanted to cross-examine a witness is because she was not wearing a bra
  • Ridiculed prospective juror
  • Engaged in conduct prejudicial to the administration of justice
  • Asked juror when was last time she smoked “a joint”
  • Deferred judicial position during trial to the prosecutor
  • Interjected objections on behalf of the prosecution in presence of jury
  • Improperly suggested evidence to jury to assist prosecutor
  • In presence of jury stated defendant should have pled guilty so that his eight-year-old son would not have to testify
  • During voir dire (jury questioning) opined how “ugly people” are not liked and how being “cute” helps you get along in the world
  • Excessively interfered and improperly questioned witnesses to the obvious detriment of the defense
  • Interrupted examination of witnesses and summarized their testimony on his own initiative
  • Abusive and sarcastic toward counsel during trial
  • Made derogatory remarks to a defendant by telling him to “shut up” and saying that he had “diarrhea of the mouth”
  • Called a defendant a “low life” and a “rat” [Mirror, mirror on the wall]

As a consequence of his misconduct, the cheerleaders for Judicial Misfits sitting on the Michigan Supreme Court punished Warfield by gifting him with a complimentary 6-month suspension from the bench.


As we speak (ca. March 2016), Warfield continues to sit as a Record’s Court judge on the 3rd Circuit Court, Criminal Division in Detroit, Michigan. 


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