► Judge Lisa Gorcyca of Pontiac, MI; bullying liar Print E-mail
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Judge Lisa Gorcyca of Pontiac, MI; bullying liar

The state of Pennsylvania presented Lisa Gorcyca with a law license in 1993 after she graduated from the Detroit College of Law.


The Michigan Judicial Tenure Commission has charged Judge Gorcyca with engaging in the following misconduct, all of which occurred while she presided over a hearing in a child custody case.

  • Failed to act in patient, dignified and courteous manner
  • Displayed improper demeanor
  • Used a raised and/or angry voice
  • Laughed at the children and was sarcastic
  • Made significant misrepresentations of law and fact
  • Lied that children would be housed in jail cells at Children’s Village
  • Engaged in conduct eroding public’s confidence in the judiciary
  • Lied that the children would not have any privacy while using bathroom
  • Lied that review of children’s incarceration would not take place until after they turned 18-years old
  • Lied to ethics investigators (Up yours, said Lisa!)
  • Lied to commission that she didn’t find children in contempt for their refusal to talk to or have lunch with their father
  • Engaged in conduct prejudicial to the administration of justice

All that remains now is to see what if any punishment is meted out to Judge Gorcyca by the enablers for Judicial Misfits sitting on the Michigan Supreme Court.


As we speak (ca. November 201), Roca continues as a Oakland County Family Court judge in Pontiac, Michigan. 


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