► Judge R. Darryl Mazur of Jackson, MI; ethical gremlin Print E-mail
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Judge R. Darryl Mazur of Jackson, MI; ethical gremlin


The state of Michigan presented R. Darryl Mazur with a law license in 1973 after he graduated from the University of Detroit Law School.


The Michigan Judicial Tenure Commission found Judge Mazur guilty of the following misconduct.


In one matter, Judge Mazur wrote a letter on court stationery in December 2014 asking a woman he had placed on probation for domestic violence if she was interested in a romantic relationship. (Danielle Salisbury)


In his love letter, Mazur said:

  • “I am not sure of your marital status.”
  • “But if you are not, would you be interested in seeing me?”
  • “Being on probation is a complication.”
  • “I am interested if you are.”

Given the fact that the woman was on probation for domestic violence, it may well be that Judge Mazur was looking for a woman willing to spank him for being a bad boy.


During the same time period, Judge Mazur attempted to interfere in another judge’s case in order to offer help to his former neighbor, who had been charged with a crime.


During the pendency of the ethics investigation, Mazur took the easy way out by admitting that he was basically an ethical twerp. A consent agreement was reached with the apologists for Judicial Misfits sitting on the Judicial Commission and Mazur that would allow for him to receive a complimentary 30-day suspension from the bench.


All that remains now is to see what if any punishment is meted out to Judge Mazur by the cheerleaders for Judicial Misfits sitting on the Michigan Supreme Court.


As we speak (ca. November 2015), Mazur sitting as a 12th District Court Judge in Jackson, Michigan. 


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