► Judge Jeffrey Manning of Pittsburgh, PA; apologist for nepotism Print E-mail
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► Judge Jeffrey Manning of Pittsburgh, PA; apologist for nepotism


The state of Pennsylvania presented Jeffrey Alan Manning with a law license in 1973 after he graduated from Duquesne University Law School.

Jeffrey has had his significant snout firmly implanted in the public trough for the past forty (40) years. Apparently, no self-respecting law firm in the greater Pittsburgh area was about to offer him a good paying job.


After the Pittsburgh Post-Gazette published an expose on the rampant nepotism being engaged in by a group of highly unethical judges in the Alleghany County Court of Common Pleas, Jeffrey felt compelled to act as their chief apologist.


At the time, Jeffrey was the administrative judge for the criminal division in Pittsburgh. After donning a pair of industrial strength knee pads, Jeffrey defended the rampant nepotism by laughingly stating that judges may use whomever they like as staff, and that the judges control “43 separate fiefdoms in the system.” (Pittsburgh Post-Gazette editorial)


A “fiefdom” is defined as the estate or domain of a feudal (primitive) lord. To suggest that a publicly funded court becomes the “fiefdom” of a judge is an outrageous claim. Jeffrey’s comments give arrogance a bad name.


As we speak (ca. October 2015), Jeffrey remains sitting as a Judge of the Allegheny Court of Common Pleas in Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania.


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