► Judge Thomas Piccione of New Castle, PA; moronic scofflaw Print E-mail
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Judge Thomas Piccione of New Castle, PA; moronic scofflaw


The state of Pennsylvania presented Thomas M. Piccione with a law license in 1970 after he graduated from Duquesne University Law School.


In one matter, Judge Piccione was assigned to a case involving Lynn Van Tassel. During the pendency of the case, Piccione order Van Tassel to report to jail after she didn’t pay her ex-husband’s attorney’s fees as ordered — even though she was appealing that order.


Piccione had order that Van Tassel to report to jail after she didn’t pay her ex-husband’s attorney’s fees as ordered — even though she was appealing that order. He sentenced her to 90 days in jail and had her arrested on a bench warrant.


Piccione then had the chutzpah to put a criminal charge in the system so as to place Van Tassel on electronic monitoring despite the fact that she had never been charged with anything, which would include a trial or being convicted.


The so-called law that Piccione ignorantly relied on clearly sets forth what it is to be used for, and it does not mention it being used to collect attorney fees.


Subsequently, Van Tassel was almost fired for being absent without leave from work because she was in jail and the criminal charge she could provide no paperwork for, because that process hadn’t occurred in any real-world way. (Rachel Martin)


Van Tassel then filed a civil suit against Piccione, the chief probation officer, the jail warden, a state trooper and the district attorney for violating a variety of her constitutional rights.


Rather than file something in her existing case file, Piccione used a miscellaneous docket that listed a charge that gives the appearance of relevance. The law relied on by Piccione is described as “contempt for violation of order or agreement. In fact, the law deals with “indirect criminal contempt” and under that section a judge certainly can issue fines and order someone jailed.


However, there’s a glaring problem with since that law is in a chapter titled “Protection from Abuse (PFA) and the law that Van Tassel was made to look like she had violated distinctly talks about protection from abuse orders. Unfortunately, the law does not protect citizens from “abusive judges!” like Piccione.


Van Tassel’s court file does not contain a PFA that she could possibly have violated. There’s nothing in the law that speaks to “fines” being imposed to pay someone else’s attorney fees.


Van Tassel’s illegal motives are quite apparent in jailing Van Tassel for not paying attorney fees. The attorney allegedly owed the fees was none other than Van Tassel’s former partner James Manolis.


The simple truth is that Piccione used the court as a personal collection agency for his former law partner, which is of course illegal.


Recently (April 2015), a federal court told Van Tassel she had no lawful right to sue Piccione even though there is no dispute that he violated he due process rights and illegally acted as a “collection attorney” for his former law partner. The three comedians sitting on the Federal Circuit Court of Appeals had the chutzpah to say in it’s ruling that a judge has absolute immunity, even if the action “was in error, was done maliciously, or was in excess of his authority.”


It should be remembered that this so-called “absolute immunity” was put into effect by federal judges who were hell bent on protecting their own from answering for their dastardly and distinctly illegal deeds.


As we speak (ca. April 2015), Judge Piccione continues to sit as a Lawrence County Common Pleas judge in New Castle, Pennsylvania. 


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