► Judge Lynn Rosenthal of Ft. Lauderdale; drunken liar Print E-mail
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Judge Lynn Rosenthal of Ft. Lauderdale; drunken liar


The state of Florida presented Lynn Dena Rosenthal with a law license in 1982 after she graduated from the University of Florida Law School.


In one matter, Lynn was arrested for driving under the influence (DUI) in the courthouse parking lot after crashing into a Sheriff's Office vehicle. Officers at the scene said the judge did not seem to have been drinking alcohol, though she her speech was slurred and she was having trouble standing steadily.


Lynn had the chutzpah to claim that her drunken appearance was due to her taking an Ambien sleeping bill the night before. Clearly, Lynn missed his calling as a standup comedian because one would not have slurred speech and trouble standing the morning after digesting one Ambien pill.


In addition to hitting the patrol car, Rosenthal also hit a gate multiple times before she was arrested around 8:45 a.m. Shortly before the incident at the courthouse, Rosenthal said she said that a truck had tried to run her off the road on the Interstate. However, after watching a video Judge Rosenthal took of the incident on her phone, the officers said there was no truck involved. Deputy Michael Wiley stated, “The video did display that [Rosenthal] was unable to maintain a single lane, drove in the breakdown lane and failed to avoid a collision with a concrete wall.”


Judge Rosenthal’s comedic lawyer Michael Dye argued that “Under Florida law, Ambien is not listed as a controlled substance...It doesn't apply to Florida's impaired driving statute.” Mr. Dye is also an aspiring Standup Comedian.


It won’t take a prosecutorial genius to debunk the “Ambien made me do it” defense. Any pharmacist could destroy this defense by testifying to the after effects of taking Ambien at 11:00 p.m. and any side effects at 8:45 a.m. the next morning.


Hopefully, Lynn the Lush will save the taxpayer’s money and plead guilty to drunken driving.


As we speak (ca. January 2015), Lynn the Lush remains sitting on the bench (while sober only) as a Broward County Circuit Court Judge in Fort Lauderdale, Florida.



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