► Judge Anthony McGinty of Kingston, NY; misogynistic loser Print E-mail
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Judge Anthony McGinty of Kingston, NY; misogynistic loser


The state of New York provided Anthony McGinty with a law license in 1991 after he graduated from Fordham University School of Law.


In one matter, domestic violence survivor and family child advocate Francesca Amato accused Tony of violating her rights by awarding custody of her teen son to her abusive ex — and she claims other female litigants are facing similar fates, an explosive federal lawsuit alleges. 


Ms. Amato’s copy of her ex-husband’s rap sheet included convictions for one felony, and five misdemeanors. Despite these convictions, Tony had the chutzpah to award custody of the child to the convicted felon.


Ms. Amato also asserts that Tony ignored bruises the father purportedly inflicted on their son.


And finally, Ms. Amato said, “Anthony McGinty has a history of court orders that change custody to abusive fathers and remove them from safe, loving caretakers with an extreme gender bias against mothers.”


Hopefully, the day will come when the voters send Tony the Misogynist packing. This would at a minimum offer abused women in the Ulster County area the possibility of being treated fairly by a judge who isn’t a Proud and Practicing Woman Hater.


As we speak (ca. June 2023), Tony continues to dispense his so-called idea of jurisprudence as a 3rd Judicial District Ulster County Judge in Kingston, New York.



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