► Judge Bernard Schwartz of Bakersfield; ethical elf, lush moron Print E-mail
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Judge Bernard Schwartz of Bakersfield, ethical elf, lush, moron


Judge Bernard Schwartz unfortunately sits on the Superior Court in Bakersfield, California.
On July 16, 2005, Judge Bernard Schwartz, 45, was pulled over when a policeman saw him swerving all over the road, which led Judge Schwartz to say, “Why don’t you run my license and then we can talk.” The officer then asked Judge Schwartz if he was trying to say that he was a police officer, to which he said, “No, I’m a judge.”
Judge Schwartz denied being drunk and asked it he could just go to a hotel and leave his car. “Is this really necessary, all this stuff we have to go through?” Schwartz asked.
After the officer began to arrest him, Judge Schwartz said, “But you know what this is going to do? This will substantially impair my career.” The officer said, “If I let you go, it could impair my career.” He then said, “I know you guys are doing your job, but this is not a good time for me, I’m running for election next year and this is not a good time.”
Judge Schwartz then said, “There is no professional courtesy here any more. This is bullshit. You guys come in and appear before me in court on certain matters.” When the Sergeant asked Judge Bernard Schwartz why he brought that up, he said “because I’m not being treated fairly.” The Sergeant responded, “What you’re asking for is special treatment.” Schwartz then said, “To some degree, I guess.”  
Judge Bernard Schwartz proclaiming I’ll lose my job!
Judge Schwartz told the officers that he would lose his job if convicted of driving under the influence. This comment in and of itself proves that he was “schnockered” because no judge in California has ever lost his/her judgeship for a DUI conviction.
The Judicial Commission then went about proving that Judge Schwartz was wrong, when it allowed him to remain on the bench; however, with the caveat that he must be sober at least 15% of the time.
Judicial Commission Findings
The enablers and apologists on the commission said that Bernie’s conduct in insisting that he receive special treatment is “particularly offensive” and “reprehensible.” (But not so bad as to require his removal from the bench, right?) This is just further evidence that judges are held to a "lower standard of conduct" then we are.
The commission credited Bernie for being remorseful and promising not to do it again (get caught).
Bernie presides over criminal cases
Even though Bernie is an admitted scofflaw who believes he’s “above the law,” the commission and Supreme Court has allowed him to continue to sit on criminal cases.
Isn’t it delightful to know that in Riverside, California alleged criminals will be judged by a known criminal?
DUI Punishment
For the DUI conviction, Bernie was sentenced to three years probation and fined $1,609. His blood alcohol level at the time was more than twice the legal limit in California. However, his I.Q. was deemed to be less than half the legal speed limit for semi-trucks on I-5.

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