► Did Judge Brett Klein of LA deserve to be disciplined for misconduct? No! Print E-mail
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Did Judge Brett Klein of Los Angeles deserve to be disciplined for alleged misconduct? No!

Judge Brett Klein retired as a Los Angeles County Superior Court judge in 2009. After his retirement, Judge Klein was assigned to a case wherein a disgruntled customer had sued Windsor Fashions for violating privacy laws by asking for personal information (telephone number) when she used a credit card to make a purchase.
The ambulance-chaser, so-called attorney Neil Fineman who represented the disgruntled consumer was somehow able to turn the litigation into a class action lawsuit.
As part of a settlement, which had been given preliminary approval by a different judge, it was agreed that Windsor Fashions would pay the customer who filed the lawsuit $2,500 and her attorney $125,000. Other customers who the ambulance-chaser was able to locate as alleged victims, would each be given a $10 gift voucher.
At a final hearing in this case, Judge Brett Klein, let it be known in no uncertain terms what he thought about Ms. Cohen’s lawsuit and attorney Neil Fineman’s class action lawsuit. Judge Klein he made the following appropriate awards:
  • Mrs. Cohen – 250 - $10 gift vouchers for shopping at Windsor Fashion stores
  • Attorney Fineman – 12,500 - $10 gift vouchers for his shopping pleasure at Windsor Fashion stores
If I had been Judge Klein, I would have ordered that attorney Neil Fineman provide a six-months supply of Preparation H at his expense for every member of the class that he allegedly represented. I believe the Preparation H would have provided much more relief for Fineman’s clients than a $10 gift voucher.
Enablers/Apologists sitting on California Judicial Commission
The losers and enablers sitting in judgment of Judge Brett Klein ruled that his conduct was so outrageous that he deserved to be forever barred from sitting as a judge in California. This is the same group of buffoons that refused to remove Sacramento Superior Court Judge Peter “Chainsaw” McBrien for misconduct that makes what Judge Klein is accused of look like child’s play.
I find Judge Klein’s award of gift certificates to attorney Neil Fineman very appropriate since Fineman didn’t have any problem with everyone else he allegedly represented being treated in the same fashion. In fact, in all class action lawsuits, the only winners are the attorneys. The members of the class normally receive a “coupon” or a check for $1.00 or less.
Put simply, class action lawsuits are an unmitigated joke and sleazy method for unethical attorneys to unjustly enrich themselves at the expense of deep-pocket corporations without ever providing any real services on behalf of the class they laughingly claim to represent.



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