► Judges in LA County; ethical gremlins; scofflaws, morons Print E-mail
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Judges in Los Angeles County ethical gremlins; scofflaws, certified morons

There can be no doubt that LA County judges are greedy and ethically moribund.
In 1998, California took over funding of all state trial court operations, including the payment of judicial salaries and benefits. Previously, county governments provided funding for judicial salaries and benefits. In truth, the California “unified” the state court system.
There are approximately 540 judges sitting on the LA County Superior Court. After that State assumed sole responsibility for judicial salaries and benefits, the greedy ethical gnomes sitting on the bench in LA formulated a scheme to unjustly and/or unlawfully enrich themselves by hosing County taxpayers.
What these so-called public servants did was lobby for and/or coerce the powers-to-be in Los Angeles County to continue to pay them retirement, medical and vacation benefits despite the fact that the State was already paying these same exact benefits.
Of course the lackeys, bootlickers and apple-polishers that controlled the purse strings in LA County were more than happy to go along with the demands of these certified Judicial Misfits. After all, they fully recognized that in the future they would be in the need for some favorable rulings. A little quid pro quo if ya will! Of these lackeys and bootlickers didn’t give a damn about hosing the hardworking and overtaxed citizens of LA County. In truth, they merely mimicked Brett Butler’s comment in Gone with the Wind when he said, “Frankly my dear, I don’t give a damn.”
According to a lawsuit filed by Judicial Watch in April 2006, each Judicial Misfit in LA County received about $38,165 in duplicate benefits from the County that were already being funding by the state. The annual hosing visited on county taxpayers was about $20 million.
In late 2008, the 4th Court of Appeals ruled that this double-dipping was unconstitutional (meaning it was illegal). This ruling was appealed on behalf of the Judicial Misfits in LA County to the California Supreme Court; however, the Supreme Court affirmed the Court of Appeals’ decision.
From 1998 through 2008, it is estimated that every unethical judge sitting in LA County received around $350,000 in benefits that they were not lawfully entitled to. The total paid to all of the Judicial Misfits in LA County from 1998 through 2008 amounted to about $180 million.
Even though the California Supreme Court declared these payments unconstitutional (illegal), none of the ethical gnomes that pocketed these illegal payments have ever paid it back to the LA County taxpayers. This simply proves that depending on who you are, “crime does in fact pay, and it pays very well.”
The cost to LA County taxpayers to defend the lawsuit exposing the greed and egregious unethical conduct engaged in by these ethically moribund public servants likely is in the millions of dollars. Of course this doesn’t take into account the court resources on the appellate level in finally putting this illegal scheme to rest.
The mere thought that these unethical gnomes were actually sitting in judgment of my fellow Californians (ca. 2005-2009) is quite disturbing.
Each and every one of these ethical leper-cons should be made to pay back each and every dollar they illegally collected from the taxpayers of Los Angeles County. In addition, they should be made to pay annual compounded interest on their ill-gotten gains.
Of course since judges are held to “a lower standard of conduct” than we are, don’t hold your breath waiting for these ethical gnomes to repay the taxpayers.
And finally, kudos to Judicial Watch for expending the time and resources to out these ingrates for what they really are.

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