► Judge Tim Casserly of San Diego, scofflaw; moron, ethical gremlin Print E-mail
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Judge Tim Casserly of San Diego, scofflaw; moron, ethical gremlin

Prior to being unfortunately appointed to the Superior Court in San Diego in 1996, Judge Tim Casserly was an assistant District Attorney in San Diego County.
Judge Timothy Casserly acted as the prosecuting attorney for the state in a high-profile rape and murder trial that took place in 1993 involving Doctor Samson Durbria.
Doctor Durbria, who at the time was a resident at a hospital in New Jersey, traveled to Carlsbad with Jennifer Klapper who he met at a hospital in Cincinnati where he had been an intern. While at a Carlsbad motel, Doctor Durbria testified that he heard a loud thumping noise and when he investigated, he found Ms. Klapper lying on the floor. He then tried to revive her and called 911. Unfortunately, his efforts were not successful.
Prior to the murder trial, an investigator working for Judge Timothy Casserly was provided with medical records from Ms. Klapper’s physician showing that had a history of heart problems that had sent her to the emergency room at least three times in 1989, two years before she died.
Dr. Dubria’s parents obtained the medical records from the files maintained by Judge Timothy Casserly during his tenure as a prosecutor. 
Being the scofflaw and celebrated ethical gnome that he clearly is, Judge Timothy Casserly concealed Ms. Klapper’s medical records from Dr. Dubria and his defense attorney.
Judge Timothy Casserly took an oath as a prosecutor to assure that justice was fairly and equitably dispensed. Unfortunately, Judge Timothy Casserly treated his oath of office with contempt in assuring that “justice was dispensed with.”
The law mandated that Judge Timothy Casserly turn over the medical records of Ms. Klapper to Doctor Dubria’s attorney.
Being an accomplished scofflaw, Judge Timothy Casserly didn’t much care about this particular law. In truth, Judge Timothy Casserly’s conduct was analogous to what Rhett Butler said in Gone with the Wind, “Frankly my dear, I don’t give a damn.” Alternatively, Judge Timothy Casserly may well qualify for an acting spot as a bandito in any future remake of the movie Sierra Madre. This would give Judge Timothy Casserly the opportunity to say, “Laws, we don’t need no stinkin laws.”
It is painfully clear that Judge Timothy Casserly was more interested in self-promotion in seeking a higher office than he was in assuring that Doctor Dubria received a fair trial. Obviously, I wasn’t at the motel in Carlsbad in 1993 when Ms. Klapper died. The only person that truly knows what happened is Doctor Dubria.
Dr. Durbria was lawfully entitled to any and all evidence relating to Ms. Klapper’s prior heart problems in an effort to prove his innocence. By intentionally and knowingly concealing this highly relevant information from the triers of fact (jury), Judge Timothy Casserly knew that he was in fact denying Dr. Dubria the fair trial that he was constitutionally entitled too.
What kind of person would knowingly engage in illegal conduct to assure a conviction and then take credit for the despicable manner in which such conviction was obtained? How is it possible for Judge Timothy Casserly to sleep peacefully every night since 1993 while he absolutely knew he denied Dr. Dubria a fair trial? This type of conduct is akin to a Mafia hit team executing someone; dissembling the body, and then going to their favorite Italian restaurant on Mott Street in New York for dinner. In both instances, it proves a total lack of morals and a conscience.
Luckily for Dr. Dubria, law students at the Innocence Project at California Western School of Law intervened on his behalf. As a result of their tireless work, Superior Court Judge Richard Whitney of San Diego ordered a review of Doctor Dubria’s conviction. Hopefully, Judge Richard Whitney will order a new trial wherein Doctor Dubria will be allowed to introduce the medical records of Ms. Klapper that Judge Timothy Casserly cheerfully concealed prior to the 1993 trial.
As expected, Judge Timothy Casserly has never faced any discipline from the California State Bar and/or the California Supreme Court for his unconscionable conduct.
Sadly, Judge Timothy Casserly remains on the bench in San Diego (ca. Sept. 2009). In this ol’ Dawg’s opinion, Judge Timothy Casserly should be removed from the bench and permanently disbarred.

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