► Former Judge Gregory Dwyer of Sacramento, CA; alleged misogynist Print E-mail
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Former Judge Gregory Dwyer of Sacramento, CA; alleged misogynist


The state of California presented Gregory Dwyer with a law license in 1978 after he graduated from Santa Clara University of School of Law.


A complaint was filed by a party to a custody matter against Johnny for engaging in the following misconduct, all of which took place while Greg was a sitting Sacramento County Superior Court judge.

  • Abused his judicial discretion
  • Removed custody and parenting of her three sons from 80% to 8 days per month
  • Engaged in conflict of interest in case because Greg was married to her ex’s attorney

As one would suspect, the enablers for Judicial Misfits sitting on the California Judicial Commission never took any action against Greg for the misconduct set forth above.


As we speak (ca. March 2024), Greg practices his so-called brand of law with the Law Office of Gregory Dwyer at 650 University Avenue in Sacramento, California.



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