► U.S. Judge Anthony Battaglia of San Diego; incompetent buffoon Print E-mail
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U.S. Judge Anthony Battaglia of San Diego; incompetent buffoon


The state of California presented Anthony Joseph Battaglia with a law license in 1971 after he graduated from California Western University School of Law.


In one matter, Judge Battaglia presided over a case [Costco v. Teamster] involving his confirmation of an arbitration award involving a Costco forklift driver who claimed he was unjustifiably fired.


Following an evidentiary proceeding, the arbitrator David B. Hart of Carlsbad engaged in extensive ex parte communications with the International Brotherhood of Teamsters, Local No. 542, which represented the discharged employee, James Diaz, and conveyed a $6,000 settlement offer to him—which Costco Wholesale Corp. had not authorized, and of which it had no knowledge. (MetNews Staff)


Subsequently, Judge Battaglia’s asinine ruling in upholding the arbitration award against Costco was appealed to the Ninth U.S. Circuit Court of Appeals, which reversed the ruling and in doing so made the following comments.

  • “Arbitrator’s Award Marked by bizarre aspect can’t stand.”
  • “Following the presentation of evidence [at arbitration hearing], matters took a bizarre turn.”
  • “It cannot be discerned from the arbitrator’s skimpy explanation what the reasoning was, remarking that it could have been the product of flipping a coin or other arbitrary means.”
  • “But ex parte communications and an unauthorized settlement offer reflect consummate bias and lack of commitment to a transparent proceeding.”
  • “No party agreeing to arbitration bargained for a proceeding such as this, and nothing in our precedent compels us to ignore these facts.”

Of course, Tony does not much give a damn how many times he is overruled by an Appellate Court since he is well aware that no judge in California has ever been tossed off the bench for being an incompetent boob.


As we speak (ca. April 2021), Tony continues to practice his so-called brand of jurisprudence as a judge for the U.S. District Court for the Southern District of California, in San Diego, California.



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