► Judge Daniel Healy of Fairfield, CA; halfwit, repeat offender Print E-mail
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Judge Daniel Healy of Fairfield, CA; halfwit, repeat offender


The state of California presented Daniel James Healy with a law license in 1986 after he graduated from Duke University Law School.


FYI: This isn’t the first matter dealing with Danny’s misconduct. He previously received a complimentary admonishment from the apologists for Judicial Misfits sitting on the California Judicial Commission for engaging in a variety of misconduct. A review of said matter can be viewed by visiting the URL listed at the end of this article.


In one matter, Danny was assigned to preside over a case involving a conviction for first degree residential that was predicated on virtually nothing other than fingerprint evidence because the Danny furthered the People’s case by effectively communicating to jurors, through his questioning of the prosecution’s fingerprint expert, that they should read something into the fact that the defense did not call its own expert to contradict her conclusions.


Subsequently, the defendant’s attorney appealed Danny’s asinine conduct leading to the conviction to the Division Three District Court of Appeal, which reversed Danny and in doing so made the following findings.

  • “Accordingly, this case turned on the jury’s assessment of the accuracy and reliability of the fingerprint analysis conducted by Zhang.”
  • “On this record, and resolving any ambiguity in defendant’s favor, we conclude that the trial court’s questions were prejudicial.”
  • “The trial court’s instructions to the jury that it ‘not speculate about anything that I think about the facts or about this case’ and that the court’s questions were only relevant ‘to the extent they help you understand the answers’ do
  • “The prejudice here does not stem from the jury speculating as to the court’s views or by treating the court’s questions as evidence. It stems from the substance of the testimony elicited by the trial court that carried the clear implication that defendant could have, but failed to, hire an expert.”

It goes without saying that Danny doesn’t much give a damn when he’s overturned (rebuked in truth) by the appellate court since he is well aware that no California judge has ever been tossed off the bench for being an incompetent boob. In addition, he certainly isn’t concerned with the cost to the taxpayers of having his asinine ruling overturned.


As we speak (ca. May 2021), Danny continues to practice his so-called brand of jurisprudence as a Solano County Superior Court Judge in Fairfield, California.


Judge Daniel Healy of Fairfield, CA; foul mouth loser




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