► Judge Laura Seigle of Los Angeles; incompetent dimwit Print E-mail
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Judge Laura Seigle of Los Angeles; incompetent dimwit


The state of California provided Jaqueline Stern with a law license in 1992 after she graduated from Yale University School of Law.


Former Gov. Jerry Brown was duped into appointing Laura as a Los Angeles County Superior Court judge in 2015. Laura didn’t receive the appointment because she was the most qualified attorney in the greater Los Angeles area. She received it because he had proven to be a reliable lackey for the local political hacks.


In one matter, Laura was assigned to preside over a case involving the Automobile Club of Southern California in an action by a motorist who blames it for injuries he incurred in an accident, arguing that if a truck had arrived promptly to provide roadside assistance after he phoned for help when his car was stalled on the shoulder of a freeway, the mishap would not have occurred.


In her infinite ignorance, Laura granted a default judgment to the Automobile Club of Southern California in dismissing plaintiff Brett Luebke’s case.


Subsequently, the plaintiff appealed Laura’s asinine ruling to the Court of Appeal, which reversed the ruling and in doing so made the following statements.

  • “The trial court misunderstood the law, as well as its obligations in ruling on a motion for summary judgment.”
  • “A special relationship may, in fact, arise out of a contractual duty.”
  • “By reaching out to decide an issue not addressed in the Auto Club’s moving papers…, the trial court deprived Luebke of his right to oppose summary judgment.”
  • “Its ruling cannot stand.”

It goes without saying that Laura doesn’t much give a damn when she’s overturned (rebuked in truth) by the appellate court since she is well aware that no California judge has ever been tossed off the bench for being an incompetent boob.


As we speak (ca. January 2021), Jackie continues to dispense her idea of jurisprudence as a Los Angeles County Superior Court judge in Los Angeles, California.


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