► Judge Glenn Salter of Orange, CA; incompetent boob Print E-mail
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Judge Glenn Salter of Orange, CA; incompetent boob


The state of California presented Glenn Salter with a law license in 1975 after he graduated from the Loyola University School of Law.


FYI: Former Gov. Arnold Schwarzenegger was duped into appointing Gregory as an Orange County Superior Court Judge 2010. Glenn was not nominated because he was the most qualified attorney in the greater Orange County area. He received it because he had proven to be reliable lackey for the local political hacks.


In one matter, Judge Salter was assigned to preside over a case involving Luxury Asset Lending (LAL) v. Philadelphia Television Network (PTN). The case involved Judge Salter entering a $3.9 million judgment against PTN that was unaware its majority shareholders had put up the TV network as collateral in an overseas investment scam involving a former U.S. congressman, an unnamed Libyan oil minister, and a southern California lending firm.


Subsequently, PTN appealed Judge Salter’s absurd ruling to the Fourth District Division Three Court of Appeal. In reversing Judge Salter’s asinine $3.9 million judgment, the Court stated as follows.

  • “Now, one might be forgiven for wondering what this colossus of cons has to do with the low power television station in Philadelphia and its owner, PTNI.” Bedsworth wrote. “The answer, based on the record before us, is absolutely nothing.”
  • “Which is precisely our point.”

The Court of Appeal went on to further “spank” Judge Salter by saying:

  • “We fear leaving the trial court’s discretion undisturbed in this case would result in such an injustice.”
  • “If not vacated, the default judgment gives the imprimatur of legality and enforceability to wrongdoing—arguable usury in furtherance of a fraudulent, potentially unlawful scheme.”
  • “To make matters worse, the judgment would pin the financial burden of the wrongdoers’ risk-taking on an innocent third party who had no stake in the scheme.”

Of course, Glenn the Incompetent Boob doesn’t much give a damn how many times his asinine rulings are overturned by the Court of Appeal because he knows that no federal judge has ever been removed from office for being a Moron. Additionally, Glenn has absolutely no concern for how much taxpayer money is wasted as a direct result of her gross incompetence.


As we speak (ca. December 2020), Glenn continues to sit as a Orange County Superior Court judge in Orange, California.



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