► Judge Jeffrey Bennett of Ventura, CA; ethical ogre Print E-mail
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Judge Jeffrey Bennett of Ventura, CA; ethical ogre


The state of California provided Jeffrey Bennett with a law license in 1988 after he graduated from the Santa Barbara College of Law.


FYI: Sant Barbara College of Law is a fourth-tier school that is in the business of taking in losers that couldn’t get accepted into ABA accredited mainstream law schools such as UC Davis, UCLA, UC Berkeley and/or the University of San Francisco.


It should be noted that Jeffrey has had his significant snout firmly implanted in the public trough for the past thirty-one years after receiving his law license in 1989. Apparently,


The California Commission on Judicial Performance found Jeff guilty of the following misconduct.

  • Engaged in undignified, discourteous and offensive sexualized behavior and made improper comments to defendants, lawyers and courthouse staff over a period of eight years
  • Told African American in open court “stop shucking and jiving” when the defendant appeared before him
  • In case where defendant was charged with disturbing the peace and the DA asked for a stay-away order for the victim, Jeff said that was “a chicken-shit” position to have and that such charges wouldn’t be tolerated when he became the judge in the master calendar department
  • Repeatedly said he was “the only one in the courthouse with the balls to make a ruling”
  • While on the bench and wearing his judicial robe, told a personal story about driving a Rolls Royce, and said, “chicks really dug that car” and that “it had a big back seat, if you know what I mean”
  • Told attorneys in his court to see a specific dental hygienist because she was “a smoking hot 10” and that he would let her “do whatever she wanted” to him
  • While standing in courthouse hallway, told lawyers “I have the biggest balls in the courthouse”

All that remains now is to see what if any punishment is meted out to Jeff by the enablers for Judicial Misfits sitting on the Judicial Commission.


As we speak (ca. March 2020), Jeff continues to sit as a Ventura County Superior Court judge in Ventura, California.



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