► Judge Lisa Lench of Los Angeles; Cheerleader for perjuring Judge Print E-mail
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Judge Lisa Lench of Los Angeles; Cheerleader for perjuring Judge


The State of California presented Lisa B. Lench with a law license in 1979 after she graduated from Loyola Marymount University School of Law.


It should be noted that former Gov. Gray Davis was duped into appointing Lisa as Los Angeles County Superior Court judge in 2011. Lisa didn’t get the appointment because she was the most qualified attorney in the greater Los Angeles area, she got it because she had proven to be a reliable lackey for local political hacks.


In one matter, Lisa was a member of a Judicial Conduct Commission that reviewed the egregious misconduct of Judge Brian Lamb of Inyo County. This was Judge Lamb’s third bite at the Judicial Misfit Apple Tree. A review of Lamb’s misconduct can be found by reviewing the URL listed at the end of this article.


In this case, Lisa and her fellow comrades on the Commission specifically ruled that Judge Lamb had repeatedly submitted false affidavits for the purpose of receiving a salary that he was not lawfully entitled too.


So, what we have here is a so-called judge who is more than willing to give the proverbial wink and a nod to criminal conduct (perjury) engaged in by a fellow member of the judiciary.


This is exactly the kind of enforcement of California law one would expect from an individual who was appointed to the bench.


As we speak (ca. July 2019), Lisa continues to sit as a Los Angeles County Superior Court judge in Los Angeles, California.


Judge Brian Lamb of Bishop, CA; perjurer, serial offender




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