► Judge Winfred Smith of Oakland, CA; moronic loser Print E-mail
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Judge Winfred Smith of Oakland, CA; moronic loser


The state of California presented Winfred Smith with a law license in 1975 after he graduated from Boston University Law School.


In one matter, Winfred was assigned to preside over a personal injury case against Continental Tire North America brought by a man whose legs were broken in an automobile collision resulting from a tire blowout.


Winfred found it acceptable to declare that Continental wasn’t liable for the man’s injuries when he granted a dismissal of the lawsuit. However, when the man appealed the asinine ruling, the First District Court of Appeal disagreed with Winfred’s dismissal ruling. In it’s reversal order, the Court of Appeal said in part:

  • Erred in barring evidence reflecting industry knowledge that old tires, even if seemingly in good shape can be dangerous
  • Granted a dismissal of the lawsuit on the ground that the plaintiff failed o show such knowledge on the part of a tire maker
  • The prejudice to the defense here is unmistakable
  • Having erroneously excluded competent evidence tending to show that Continental knew or should have known of the potential danger of old tires to rupture, the court granted nonsuit on plaintiff’s strict liability cause of action for failure to have presented that very evidence
  • The excluded evidence was highly relevant to plaintiff’s cause of action for negligence

Of course Winfred the Moron doesn’t much give a damn how many times his asinine rulings are overturned by the Court of Appeal because he knows that no judge in California has ever been removed from office for being a Moron. Additionally, Winfred has absolutely no concern for how much taxpayer money is wasted as a direct result of his gross incompetence.


As we speak (ca. June 2018), Judge Smith continues to sit as an Alameda County Superior Court judge in Oakland, California.



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