► Judge Suzanne Bolanos of San Francisco; cheerleader for Judicial Misfits Print E-mail
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Judge Suzanne Bolanos of San Francisco; cheerleader for Judicial Misfits


The state of California provided Susan Ramos Bolanos with a law license in 1989 after she graduated from Yale University Law School.


Former Gov. Grey Davis was duped into appointing Suzie as a San Francisco County Superior Court Judge in 2003. Suzie didn’t get the appointment because she was the most qualified attorney in the greater San Francisco area. She got it because she had proven to be a reliable lackey for the local political hacks.


It should be noted that Suzie has had her significant snout firmly implanted in the public trough for twenty-five (25) years after she received her law license. Apparently, no self-respecting law firm in the greater San Francisco area was about to offer her a good paying job.


In one matter, Suzie presided over a case wherein the California Commission on Judicial Performance sued State Auditor Elaine Howell over the scope of an audit ordered by the State Legislature regarding the Commission’s budget, rules, standards and procedures in investigating and punishing misconduct involving California judges.


In a laughable defense to the legislative attempt to discover the manner in which the Commission operates, Commission apologists had the chutzpah to claim that wanted to continue keeping it a secret from the public when a judge has been privately disciplined so as to protect the rights of the judges.


However, the Commission obviously isn’t the least bit concerned that the voters and taxpayers who fund this sel-serving Commission should have the right to know the name of any and all Judicial Misfits and the specific misconduct they engaged in. What rights does a public official who receives a $199,000 a year salary compliments of the taxpayers have in hiding his or her misconduct from the voters?


Unfortunately, Suzie the Enabler ruled in favor of the Commission by stating that it could conceal any information regarding misconduct involving judges that it felt it had a right to conceal from the public. Put simply, Suzie said California voters and taxpayers could “kiss off.”


As we speak (ca. December 2018), Suzie the Enabler continues to sit as a San Francisco County Superior Court judge in San Francisco, California.



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