► Judge Gary Kreep of San Diego; serial liar Print E-mail
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Judge Gary Kreep of San Diego; serial liar


The state of California presented Gary George Kreep with a law license in 1975 after he graduated from the University of San Diego Law School.


The California Commission on Judicial Performance has found probable cause that Gary engaged in the following misconduct.

  • Engaged in willful misconduct
  • Engaged in conduct prejudicial to the administration of justice
  • Campaign website contained several misrepresentations
  • Lied on website he was president of the Family Values Coalition
  • Lied on website he was president of the Justice Political Action Committee
  • Lied on website he was president of the California Justice Political Action Committee
  • Lied on Statement of Economic Interests that he had served as chairman of the Beat Obama Political Action Committee
  • Pursued political agenda falsely claiming Pres. Obama not born in United States
  • Continually demanded that Obama be impeached as being illegitimate president
  • Demanded that Congress investigate legitimacy of Obama’s birth certificate
  • Violated campaign disclosure laws by not reporting $8,800 in expenditures
  • Violated campaign laws by using personal credit card to pay campaign expenses
  • Improperly remained attorney of record on case after taking seat on the bench
  • Wrote 4 checks to ex-client as ordered by arbitrator and signed the checks as Gary Kreep Attorney at Law when in fact he was prohibited from so acting since he was a sitting judge
  • Engaged in improper personal investigation of cases pending before the court
  • Engaged in illegal ex parte (one-sided) communications with various attorneys
  • Denied defendant in a case to present evidence at a hearing (due process)
  • Granted defense counsel’s request to cancel hearing on plaintiff’s motion for summary judgment and then held the hearing on the canceled date and granted summary judgment to plaintiff

All that’s left now is to see what if any punishment is meted out to Gary by the enablers for Judicial Misfits sitting on the Judicial Commission.


As we speak (ca. October 2016), Gary continues to sit as a San Diego County Superior Court judge in San Diego, California. 


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