► Judge Ronald Sohigian of LA; moron, nutcase, Il Duce Wannabee Print E-mail
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Judge Ronald Sohigian of LA a moron, nutcase, Il Duce Wannabee and ethically inept

Sadly, ex-Governor George Deukmejian was thoroughly duped into appointing this moron to a judgeship in Los Angeles in 1988. Of course it goes without saying that Sohigian earned his appointment the old fashioned way, meaning he acted as a compliant lackey, bootlicker and apple-polisher for the local Republican Party hacks in Los Angeles.
In April 2007, the California Judicial Commission found Judge Ronald Sohigian guilty of the misconduct set forth below.
Ronnie would routinely issue OSC’s (Show Cause Orders) to plaintiffs for failing to appear at the initial status conference in civil case, even when the plaintiff’s had appeared through counsel and there was no requirements that plaintiffs appear personally.
In an effort to cement his status as a moronic nutcase, Ronnie defended his unlawful conduct by telling the Commission that the OSC’s were not intended to have “a counterfactual meaning”; that is, he did not intend to mean that someone who was in attendance was alleged to not be in attendance. Is this guy an idiot or what?
The moron also issued OSC’s to defendants for failing to give notice of the initial status conference when court rules did not confer a duty on them to so act. The moron was in fact threatening sanctions, including dismissal of lawsuits against defendants for failing to comply with a non-existent court rule. What an unmitigated loser!
On several occasions, Il Duce’s unlawful conduct was subject to reversal by higher courts. Due to his repeated moronic behavior it was reported that he is the subject of numerous requests and/or affidavits of bias by attorneys to withdraw from cases. Put simply, his Dishonor is held in low-esteem (actual contempt in many instances) by attorneys who are unfortunate in having their cases assigned to him.
An unreliable source indicated that numerous attorneys in Los Angeles would prefer disembowelment in the public square than appear before Judge Sohigian.
When the moron was up for re-election in 1996, the LA County Bas Assn gave him one of its rare Dumbo ratings, I’m sorry I mean “not qualified” ratings.
Judge Sohigian’s off-color comments
While putting forth what he called a hypothetical on the issue of when a persona is actually arrested, he asked a female deputy attorney general, “Let’s imagine that your are a prostitute walking down the street.” When she wrote to His Dishonor to complaint, he phoned back to apologize; however, she says, he seemed genuinely confused about why she should be offended.
Hey Dummy, wouldn’t you be offended if some attorney in LA asked you, “Let’s imagine that you are an ethical judge?” Could anyone possess such a fevered imagination?
In another incident, the Bigot once told an attorney representing a well-dressed black defendant that the court didn’t discriminate between house slaves and field slaves.
The Moron’s Hyperbolic (BS) Defenses
Sohigian had the chutzpah to demand that the Judicial Commission gift him with a “private admonishment” rather than a public admonishment.
He had the chutzpah to claim that his serial abuses of his judicial power in issuing illegal Show Cause orders occurred wholly or in part because his OSC forms were defective. This BS defense doesn’t pass the involuntary laugh test! This would be akin to Jeffrey Dahmer arguing that his novel dining habits were caused wholly or in part because of use of a Betty Crocker cookbook.
And this wasn’t Sohigian’s first bite at the Judicial Misfit Apple Tree. In 1991 he received an advisory letter for abusing his authority in sanctioning attorneys.
The enablers on the Judicial Commission punished Judge Sohigian by gifting him with a public admonishment. As we speak (ca. Feb 2011) this certified loser remains on the bench in LA.

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