► Judge DeAnn Salcido of San Diego; a Dumbo, Judge Judy Wannabee Print E-mail
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Judge DeAnn Salcido of San Diego a Dumbo, Loser, Judge Judy Wannabee

Judge DeAnn Salcido appears to have an insatiable appetite for public pork in that she’s fed at the public t rough for the majority of her so-called legal career after she was unfortunately gifted with a law license by the California Supreme Court in 1989.
As a result of her ability to carry water for the local political hacks in the Democratic Party, she was able to persuade ex-Governor Gray Davis to appoint her as a Superior Court Judge in San Diego in 2002.
In September 2010, the California Judicial Commission charged Judge Salcido with a plethora of misconduct in her inept and laughable attempt to promote herself as a poor man’s version of Judge Judy to the entertainment industry. An unreliable source indicated that she engaged in negotiations with the “Comedy Channel.”
The Commission found Judge Salcido guilty improperly invited a producer to film her while she was hearing cases. In a lame attempt to impress the producer with her ability to outdo Judge Judy, she made the following comments for the producer’s consumption in open court.
  1. In a marijuana possession matter asked the defendant “You were born in 1980,” to which he said “Yes.” She then said “You look older than me. That’s what smoking will do to you.”
  2. In a case involving lewd conduct wherein the defendant urinated in her chambers, I’m sorry mean in public, she said, “Wow. Seventy-two days in custody gives a new meaning to the term zip it. Because I think they’ll recognize you in more ways than one.”
  3. After place a defendant on probation she said, “What that means is don’t come before the court on another case…’cause you will definitely be screwed and we don’t offer Vaseline for that.”
  4. Asked a public defender during a chambers conference, “Did I roll my eyes at the camera?” and then laughed
  5. During a child visitation matter she said, “I don’t mean any disrespect [liar] to either one of you, but thankfully I don’t live with either one of you.”
Judge Judy singing (playing) to the choir (courtroom spectators)
In the following instances, Judge Salcido found it appropriate to act as a cheerleader and choirmaster in singing to courtroom spectators to impress the producer and filmmaker.
Probation hearing
Judge Judy said, “You guys [audience] know he doesn’t want to do that don’t you? Does he need to call the lifeline? Try to tell him. Let’s make a deal. Yeah. Want to poll the audience?
When the defendant told Judy did not want to go to jail because he was the only person available to care for his 75-year-old mother, who was in poor health, she said, “Then God help her.” In faking that the defendant called her “sir,” she said “did you say sir?” She then said, “I know I shaved this morning,” to laughter from the audience.
Defendant testing positive for marijuana
Judy first said, “He’s not too clean” to which the audience responded with a loud “woo.” Judy then asked the audience “Can I get a woo, woo, woo”? After the audience complied Judy said, “See why my sons are screwed? I can just look at someone and I can tell.” Yeah Judy, just like this ol’ Dawg can look at a Judicial Misfit such as you and tell. Hey Judy, can ya give me a “woo, woo, woo, too?”
Judy then had the chutzpah to say it was her job to judge credibility, and remarked, “Did you take me for a fool?” After the defendant said, “No Your Dishonor, I’m sorry I mean, Honor”, she asked, “Did you think I don’t know what I’m doing?”
For her deplorable conduct, the enablers on the Judicial Commission gifted this certified loser with a complimentary reprimand, allowing her to remain on the bench as we speak (ca. Fe b 2011).

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