► Judge Margaret Anderson of Corona del Mar, CA; moron Print E-mail
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Judge Margaret Anderson of Corona del Mar, CA; moron


The state of California presented Margaret R. Anderson with a law license in 1978 after she graduated from Western State University Law School.


After serving an undistinguished career as a Orange County Superior Court judge, Margie went on the visiting retired judge circuit. This allowed her to collect her judicial pension of at least $100,000 a year while at the same time being paid $650 a day while serving as a visiting judge.


In one matter, Margie was assigned to hear the case of Lenore Albert’s petition for a workplace restraining order.


Margie the Buffoon (my apologies to Buffoons) ruled against Ms. Albert without allowing her the opportunity to put forth any evidence in support of the restraining order request.


Ms. Albert then appealed Margie’s asinine ruling to the Fourth District Court of Appeal, which summarily overturned her decision to dismiss Ms. Albert’s petition. Towards that end, Justice William W. Bedsworth of the appellate court stated in part:

  • “The trial judge [Margie] erroneously excluded considerable evidence offered by Albert.”
  • “The evidence could have shown that her former employee, defendant George Olivo, made threats on more than one occasion.”

Judge Bedsworth went on to state:

  • “Judge Anderson’s prejudging of this case was not in the highest tradition of the trial bench.”
  • “Judge Anderson left no doubt she had prejudged the case based on the hearing in the case.”
  • “As such, Ms. Albert will be able to file a section 170.6 affidavit against Judge Anderson in the event Judge Anderson is assigned to hear the case on remand.”

In short, Margie violated Ms. Albert’s constitutional due process rights by denying her the right to introduce evidence at a hearing. Apparently, Margie is of the opinion that “due process” is the means by which the grass becomes moist in the A.M.


Of course Margie the Moron (M&M) doesn’t give a damn how much her moronic behavior cost the taxpayers of California and/or Orange County. She absolutely knows that no judge in California has ever been removed from the bench for being a Moron.


As we speak (ca. February 2016), Margie the Moron continues to receive assignments from the Chief Justice of the California Supreme Court to sit on case in the Orange County Superior Court. 


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