► Judges for Jesus – Religious Zealots try to unseat 4 San Diego Judges Print E-mail
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Judges for Jesus – Religious Zealots try to unseat 4 San Diego Judges


A right wing organization called “Better Courts Now,” which has among its members a group of so-called conservative attorneys in the San Diego area, are supporting four like-mind zealots to challenge four incumbent Superior Court Judges in the upcoming election.
The four religious zealots (aka, nut cases) running against the incumbent judges are attorneys Craig Candelore, Harold Coleman, Larry Kincaid and Bill Trask. The four religious fanatics vowed to be God’s ambassadors on the bench, who are backed by pastors, gun enthusiasts and opponents of abortion and same-sex marriage. (Julie Watson – AP – 5/30/10)
“We believe our country is under assault and needs Christian values,” said candidate Craig Candelore. “Unfortunately, God has called upon us to do this only with the judiciary.” (Julie Watson – AP – 5/30/10)
Goshes and Gollies and Gee Whillickers Mr. Candelore! God called upon you to do this? Hmmm and how did God go about doing this Craig? Did he send you an email, a text message or did he just call you on his cell phone? Inquiring minds would like to know if ya know what I mean.
At a debate “Better Courts Now” organized at the Rancho del Rey church in San Marcos, candidate Harold J. Coleman, Jr. told supporter’s its fair for voters to know a judge’s values while his supporters faced a wall with the words “Live Jesus.” (Julie Watson – AP – 5/30/10)
Of course the so-called “religious” values attorney Harold J. Coleman, Jr. was speaking to was overt discrimination v. gay people, which doesn’t seem to be in accordance with God’s spoken words, right?
Suffice it to say that these four die-in-the-wool religious zealots are not in any way qualified to sit on the bench in San Diego or elsewhere. I personally know nothing of the four incumbents; however, the good folks in San Diego will be much better served retaining them on the bench than voting for any of these certified morons (my apologies to morons).
As we all know, justice is supposed to be blind! However, all of us have various biases, most of which were taught to us when we were young and that of course includes judges.
All we can demand of a judge is that he/she park their biases on the courthouse steps and actually dispense with justice regardless of race, ethnicity, social standing and/or sexual preference. What we clearly cannot afford are judges that “dispense with justice.”
And finally, if a judge can in fact park his/her biases at the courthouse steps and equitably dispense justice, then that’s all we can ask for.

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