► Judge Leo Spellacy of Cleveland; greedy scofflaw, lifetime porker, loser Print E-mail
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Judge Leo Spellacy of Cleveland; greedy scofflaw, lifetime porker, loser

The Ohio Supreme Court presented Leo Spellacy with a law license in 1959 after his graduation from Case Western University in Cleveland.
For the vast majority of his insignificant career, Judge Spellacy has dedicated his life to porking out at the public trough.
After retiring from the bench around 2000, Spellacy has been putting on weight as a visiting retired judge. A past review of his so-called worksheets clearly demonstrates that he’s consistently bilked Ohioans and Clevelanders by billing for hours he never worked.
Unbelievably, Leo the Loser was appointed to sit on various panels investigating Judicial and/or Attorney misconduct. The buffoons on the Ohio Surpeme Court that so acted would likely have appointed the late Jeffrey Dahmer as the Court’s official caterer.
While sitting in judgment of alleged Judicial/Attorney Misfits, Spellacy had the chutzpah to repeatedly hose the taxpayers by billing for hotels at costs that exceeded the legal limit imposed by the Supreme Court of Ohio. Obviously, Leo missed his calling as a standup comedian!
Over the past several years, Leo has pocketed at least $250,000 a year in pension payments and wages as a visiting retired judge. Put simply, Leo has been engaged in double-dipping for many, many years.
If it wasn’t for government jobs, Ol’ Leo would have been relegated to applying for a job as a greeter at the Wal Mart located at 3606 Mayfield Road in Cleveland Heights. Of course that’s assuming that Wal Mart would even consider hiring an unethical loser like Leo.
As we speak (ca. June 2011) the Dishonorable Leo Spellacy continues to digest public pork whil working as a retired visiting judge in Cleveland.



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