► Judge Alan Mayberry of Ohio; apologist for corrupt attorneys, lifetime porker Print E-mail
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Judge Alan Mayberry of Ohio; apologist for corrupt attorneys, lifetime porker

Alan Mayberry was presented with a law license by the Ohio Supreme Court in 1979 after graduating from the University of Toledo Law School
After obtaining his law license, Alan has spent the vast majority of his life porking out at the public trough. For many, many years Alan was the prosecutor of Wood County.
During his term as prosecutor, Alan was provided with irrefutable  of perjury, and obstruction of justice.
Unbelievably, Prosecutor Mayberry sided with the corrupt attorneys by refusing to prosecute them for committing in excess of fifty (50) felonies.
In November 2002, Alan succeeded in pulling-the-wool over the eyes of the voters in Wood County into electing him as a judge on the Common Pleas Court.
Of course it goes without saying that Alan earned his nomination to run for judge due to his years-long conduct as an accomplished lap dog, lackey, and bootlicker for the local Republican Party hacks in Bowling Green. He certainly didn’t earn it because he was the most qualified!
Alan Mayberry was successful in duping the voters in the greater Bowling Green, Ohio area into electing him as a Common Pleas Judge in November 2002.
As we speak (ca. June 2011) Alan the Loser remains sitting on the bench as a Common Pleas Judge in Bowling Green, Ohio.

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