► Atty David Pheils provides Justice Paul Pfeifer with “industrial strength knee pads” Print E-mail
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Attorney David Pheils, Jr. provides Ohio Justice Paul Pfeifer with “industrial strength knee pads”

During recent oral arguments regarding the misconduct of attorney David Romaine Pheils, Jr. of Toledo, Justice Paul Pfeifer decided it was time to forever cement his status as an enabler from crooked attorneys.
It would be laughable to the nth degree for any judge or justice in the State of Ohio to be unaware that among his peers in Northwest Ohio that, attorney Pheils is looked upon as the most corrupt to have ever obtained a law license. This would of course include Justice Paul Pfeifer.
Despite overwhelming documentary evidence that has been provided to Justice Pfeifer over the years (ca. 1993-2011) proving Pheils is a serial crook, Pfeifer decided to act as the chief enabler for Pheils during the aforementioned oral arguments.
The only question that remains to be answered is whether attorney Pheils reimbursed Justice Pfeifer for the costs he incurred in  to force Pheils to pay him.
And lastly, Justice Pfeifer’s deplorable conduct during oral arguments proves once and for all that he is nothing more than a compliant lackey, bootlicker, apple-polisher and in reality an “ass-kisser” for crooked attorneys.
I wonder how much Justice Pfeifer spends annually to purchase “Chapstick.” What a loser!

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