► Judge Tim Horton of Columbus, OH; ethical gremlin Print E-mail
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Judge Tim Horton of Columbus, OH; ethical gremlin


The state of Ohio presented Timothy Solomon Horton with a law license in 1996 after he graduated from Ohio State University Law School.


In one matter, Elise Wyant, Timmy’s former secretary accused him of sexual harassment. Ms. Wyant claimed she was forced to resign because court executive director Atiba Jones refused to act on her complaints of sexual harassment by Timmy. Two days after Ms. Wyant resigned, Ms. Jones also resigned. (Columbus Dispatch)


As one would expect, Timmy said in a statement that Ms. Wyant’s “allegation of sexual harassment by him is completely and utterly false.”


Within six months of stating that Ms. Wyant was a liar, the county and the Timmy’s liability insurer agreed to settle her sexual harassment claims by paying her nearly $50,000. This settlement in and of itself renders Timmy’s claim that Wyant was a liar without merit.


The voters in the greater Columbus area punished Timmy by electing and elevating him to a seat on the 10th District Court of Appeals.


The enablers for Judicial Misfits at the Disciplinary Counsel refused to take any action of any kind against Timmy.


As we speak (ca. December 2015), Timmy continues to sit as an appellate court judge in Columbus, Ohio. 


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