► Judge Sherry Radack of Houston, scofflaw, ethically indigent Print E-mail
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Judge Sherry Radack of Houston, scofflaw, ethically indigent

Judge Sherry Radack sits on the 1st Court of Appeals in Houston.
Texas Ethics Laws limits the expenditure of campaigns funds to legitimate campaign activities and/or official officeholder duties. In other words, campaign funds cannot be used for purposes that are clearly personal in nature.
Furthermore, the Texas Ethics Commission has ruled that it is permissible for a judge to use campaign funds to pay his/her annual State Bar Dues because judges are required to be members of the Bar. However, the Texas Ethics Commission limited this finding to “mandatory” dues for Texas judges.
Judge Sherry Radack pays annual dues for District of Columbia Bar
From 2004 through 2008, Judge Sherry Radack used campaign funds to pay annual bar dues to the District of Columbia Bar. Judge Sherry Radack did so despite the fact that judges in Texas are not required to be paying members of the Washington D.C. bar.
Judge Sherry Radack paid the following dues to the D.C. Bar:
  • District of Columbia Bar, 20080529, 98.00, Dues
  • District of Columbia Bar20070523, 95.00, Dues
  • District of Columbia Bar20060522, 90.00, Dues
  • District of Columbia Bar20050701, 89.00, Dues
  • District of Columbia Bar20040601, 87.00, Dues
Judge Sherry Radack – big Christmas gift-giver
From 2004 through 2008, Judge Sherry Radack spent nearly $10,000 to purchase gift cards for court employees from campaign funds, which averages about $2,000 a year.
Since it appears that Judge Sherry Radack has three to four employees, this would mean she spent $500 to $600 on Christmas gift cards for each employee.
Below is the list of gift cards Judge Sherry Radack purchased with campaign funds.
  • 20081218, 2362.50, Gift cards
  • Kroger, 20071219, 1900.00, Gift cards for staff
  • Kroger, 20061214, 1650.00, Christmas gift cards
  • Kroger, 20051216, 2200.00, Christmas gift certificates
  • Kroger, 20041221, 1850.00, Gift certificates for employees
Do ya think that Judge Sherry Radack advised each and every one of her court employees that these gift cards were paid for with campaign funds? I’m sure she did, right?

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