► Judge Nelda Rodriguez of Corpus Christi; arrogant loser Print E-mail
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Judge Nelda Rodriguez of Corpus Christi; arrogant loser

The state of Texas presented Nelda Vidaurri Rodriguez with a law license in 1981 after she graduated from Texas Southern University Law School.
In 1995 Judge Rodriguez succeeded in duping the voters in the Corpus Christi area into electing her to a seat on the 13th Court of Appeals.
The Texas Juridical Commission found Nelda guilty of the following misconduct.
Nelda found it acceptable to place a bumper sticker on her car official State Judge license plates endorsing a candidate for Governor of Texas even though such conduct is prohibited by the Code of Judicial Conduct.
When the Judicial Commission requested information from Nelda about the bumper sticker, she chose to ignore them. Put simply, Nelda told the Commission “Up Yours!.”
In 2007, Nelda was fined $500 by the Texas Ethics Commission for violating the requirements for filing her campaign expenditure and contribution reports.
As a consequence of her misconduct, the apologists for Judicial Misfits sitting on the Texas Supreme Court punished Arrogant Nelda by gifting her with a complimentary admonition.
As we speak (ca. July 2012) Nelda continues to sit as a Judge on the 13th Court of Appeals.

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