► Judge Fredericka Philips of Houston, TX; ethical goblin Print E-mail
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Judge Fredericka Philips of Houston, TX; ethical goblin


The state of Texas presented Fredericka Philips with a law license in 2000 after she graduated from South Texas University School of Law.


The Advisory Committee on Judicial Conduct found Fredericka guilty of engaging in the following misconduct.

  • Conveyed or permitted others to convey the impression that they were in a special position to influence her
  • Failed to conduct her extra-judicial activities so that they did not case reasonable doubt on her capacity to act impartially as a judge
  • Failed to conduct herself so that he actions did not interfere with the proper performance of her judicial duties
  • Attended luncheon hosted and paid for by one of the law firms involved in a highly contested civil case while that case was still pending before her court and set for post-judgment matters the following
  • Failed to disclose her attendance at the luncheon to all parties involving is said litigation

As a direct consequence of her misconduct the cheerleaders for Judicial Misfits sitting on the Texas Supreme Court punished Fredericka by gifting her with a complimentary warning.


As we speak (ca. January 2023), Fredericka continues to dispense her so-called brand of jurisprudence as a District Court judge in Houston, Texas.



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